How To Make an Animated GIF in Photoshop Table of contents Create a New Document Import a Video Use the Timeline Panel to Trim the Video Loop Video Preview Export Photoshop Video Layer as Animated GIF My New Video Series on Adobe Create a New Document To start the process of learning how to make an animated GIF in Photoshop, click on the Create new button. On the Preset Details panel , set the Width and Height to your desired dimensions. Set the Resolution to 72 Pixels/inch , so it’s web-friendly. Under Advanced Options , set the Color Profile to sRGB IE61966-2.1 . Then, click on the Create button. Import a Video To import a video, choose File > Place Embedded , locate the video file on your computer, and click on the Place button. That places your video into the document window. Transform the video to fit the canvas. You can always create a...