Find yourself a nice photo of a wall to put your logo on (i found this image on the internet with . Every image is suitable if there is a suitable structure (no smooth walls!). Step 2 Place the logo you want to use in a new layer. The logo has to be a pixel-based image (no fonts, paths and shapes) because in the next step we will apply a "perspective transfer" which requires the layer to be pixel-based. Step 3 Select "perspective transform" in the edit-menu en change the aspects of the logo that it fits the perspective of the wall. When you mak a "perspective transform" the selection you're transforming gets a bounbing box. You can use the lines of this bounding box to align the logo with the wall. Step 4 The logo was just a bit to wide, but thats no problem. You can adjust this with the normal transform tool (CTRL+T). Make it a bit smaller so it will fit nicely in the wall. If the perspective of the logo doesn't loo...