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Showing posts from September 22, 2013

Photoshop text Effects

Find yourself a nice photo of a wall to put your logo on (i found this image on the internet with . Every image is suitable if there is a suitable structure (no smooth walls!). Step 2 Place the logo you want to use in a new layer. The logo has to be a pixel-based image (no fonts, paths and shapes) because in the next step we will apply a "perspective transfer" which requires the layer to be pixel-based. Step 3 Select "perspective transform" in the edit-menu en change the aspects of the logo that it fits the perspective of the wall. When you mak a "perspective transform" the selection you're transforming gets a bounbing box. You can use the lines of this bounding box to align the logo with the wall. Step 4 The logo was just a bit to wide, but thats no problem. You can adjust this with the normal transform tool (CTRL+T). Make it a bit smaller so it will fit nicely in the wall. If the perspective of the logo doesn't loo...

Text Effect in Photoshop

Download Source Files In this quick tip tutorial we will explain how to create a steel text effect using layer styles in Photoshop. Let’s get started! Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. FREE TEXTURE METAL 1010 Metal Texture Cafe Nero M54 – Free font Step 1 First make a new PSD document 1000 x 700 pixels resolution 72 Dpi. Now open free texture metal 1010 and copy and paste it into your new PSD document. Press Command/Ctrl+T to transform the texture and resize it until you are happy with it. Step 2 Then we are going to make the textures for the steel style. Open the Metal Texture in Photoshop. Go to Image > Image Size and apply the settings as shown below. Now go to Edit > Define Pattern name it Steel Texture and press ok. Exit this document and go back to your document from step 1. Step 3 We’re going to create the following two patterns ourselves. Make a new layer in the document...

Typography Effect in Photoshop

The idea is very simple, I used some stock photos and a very blocky typeface. Instead of wasted my time looking for the perfect font, I decided to create it in Illustrator. So the first steps I will show you how to create the font and then in the others, in Photoshop, I will show you how to mix that with the photos. Step 1 Open Adobe Illustrator and go to View>Show Grid . Then select the Rectangle Tool (M) and create 2 squares and 2 rectangels like the image below. Step 2 To create the M select the Pen Tool (P) and add 2 points 2 blocks away from the center. Step 3 Add 2 more points and the move then nudge them up 2 blocks. Step 4 Now add another point in the very middle of the line and then nudge that point down 1 block. Use the image below for reference. Step 5 To finish the M , again with the Pen Tool (P) add 3 new points but move only the middle one down. Step 6 For the other letters it's pretty muc...