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Showing posts from January 19, 2014

Cool Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials For Designers

Typography is an essential component of any type of design and it plays a huge role in its overall look. Imagine a beautiful design with amazing artwork and colors, but boring, plain and unsuitable typography – yes, the whole look of the design is destroyed completely; so the importance of typography cannot be negated. Typography is crucial to all types of designs such as that of a logo, banner, or cards and brochures etc. Beautiful and creative typography not only grabs attention of the people but also make the design memorable. The more unique and creative the typography is, the more appealing the design will be. A lot of types of text effects are present out there which can help you leave a great and lasting impression on your viewers and also provide a more creative and nice way of conveying your message. As we all know, Photoshop is a magical program using which you can enhance the beauty of almost everything and create magic on your computer screens. It also h...

Photoshop CS6 latest Text Effects

Step 1 Lets start by taking a look at the original ad below. From the start we can see that they’ve used a few basic Layer Styles like Gradient Overlay and Bevel and Emboss to do most of the work. After a little trial and error I even found the exact font used here called PlainGermanica which you can download for free at from Step 2 Open up a new Photoshop file by choosing File>New from Photoshop’s main menu or by using the keyboard shortcut Command-N (PC: Ctrl-N). My new document is 540×300 pixels at 72ppi. If you want your layer styles to turn out exactly like mine, it’s important to at least keep the ppi setting the same. Fill the background layer with black by pressing the D key to reset your foreground color to Black and then simply press Option-Delete (PC: Alt-Backspace) to fill the layer with color. Choose the Text tool from the Tools bar or by pressing the T key, then in the Character palette choose the PlainGerma...

Elegant Glossy Gold Text Effect

This tutorial will show you an easy way to create a luxurious super glossy golden text effect using layer styles, a filter, and a simple brush. The Final Result: Step 1 - Create a new 1000 x 800 px document. Duplicate the Background layer then fill it with the color #452c16. - Double click the Background copy layer to apply a Pattern Overlay effect by changing the Blend Mode to Multiply, and choosing the “Rice paper” pattern. - This will add a subtle texture to the background. - Place the “Damask Texture” image on top of the Background layer, resize it as needed, then change its layer’s Blend Mode to Overlay. Step 2 - Create the text using the font “False Positive BRK”, the color #b37a37 and the Size 430 pt. - Duplicate the text layer then change the copy’s Fill value to 0. Step 3 Double click the original text layer to apply the following Layer Style: - Bevel and Emboss: Change the Technique to Chisel Soft, the Size to 21, the G...