With Adobe Photoshop, you can easily create an original animated GIF file (graphics interchange format) from a series of photos. In this tutorial, we’ll break down the step-by-step process of how to make an animated GIF in Photoshop. 1. Select which photos you want to use for your GIF For the best GIF possible, use a series of images taken in rapid succession. Time lapse images or images shot in burst mode work the best. That’s because they make your GIF feel like a short looping video. The more frames you use in your GIF, the smoother the animation effect will be. A total of 15-24 still images usually work best. Make sure the image size for each of your frames is the same, so double check the pixel count. Put all of the frames you want to use in a folder on your desktop or a hard drive. That will make it easier to find them easily in Photoshop. 2. Import your photos into Adobe Photoshop Open Adobe Photoshop. From the File menu, select Scripts > Load Files into Stack. This wil...