In this video and post I’ll cover 28 great features, tricks, hacks, and more of Adobe Photoshop CC 2015. Some are simple, some are difficult, some are well known, and some are more like Easter eggs. If you want to learn about multiple layer styles, layer mask tricks, whitening teeth, black and white photos, precision with the Brush tool, and a bunch more, this is the tutorial for you! 1. Quickly Whiten Teeth Go Layer->New Adjustment Layer->Vibrance and reduce the Vibrance to “-60”. Next select the Vibrance layer in the layers panel and specifically choose the layer mask. In the Properties Panel (Window->Properties) select the “Invert” button to fill our mask with black to hide the desaturation that we just imposed on the Vibrance layer. Next select the Brush tool (B) and I’ll grab a small, soft edged brush and look to the control bar across the top of the screen and set the Opacity to “50%”. Paint over the teeth you’d like to whiten for a realistic an...