If you are looking to learn about grungy metal, glass, water, clouds, fire, wet ink Photoshop text effect tutorials, you will find some by reading up on these tutorials. Try to play around with settings and colors on each of these to end up with your own look and feel. Hopefully you find something that inspires you, plus maybe a trick or two on how to do something a bit different from what you’re used to. Here the best Photoshop tutorials for making text effects . 1. Wooden Type Treatment 2. Remarkable 3D Text 3. Cool Wet Ink Typography Effect 4. Copper Text Effect 5. High Quality Metal 3D Text 6. Vanity License Plate 7. Transparent Text Effect with Fresh Grass 8. Retro Text Effect 9. Torn Paper Edges 10. Gooey Text 11. Starry Text Effect in Photoshop 12. Patriotic Text 13. Ice Text Effect with Photoshop 14. Stylish Retro Text Effect 15. Colorful Glow 16. Semitransparent Amorous Text Effect 17....